Lights Out (2024)

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Lights Out (2024)
Opis: A homeless veteran, Michael "Duffy" Duffield (Grillo), is always on the move, until he meets a talkative Ex-Con, Max Bomer (Phifer). Max notices Duffy's skills after he gets into a bar fight and offers him a well-paying job. Duffy agrees and discovers that the "job" is competing in underground fight clubs. The pair make a ton of money on the first fight and decide to travel to LA so Duffy can atone for his past and Max can pay back a crime boss, Sage Parker (Mulroney). They stay with Rachel, Max's sister, and Duffy quickly forms a connection with her. Duffy enters Sage's fight club and eventually wins, but it leads to unwanted attention. Duffy gets tied up in the crime world and offered jobs he can't refuse, including one with Sage's partner and Police officer, Ellen Ridgway. The deeper he goes in this world, the more deadly it gets. Duffy is a skilled fighter, but will he and Max make it out alive?—The Exchange company
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