Pathological: The Lies of Joran van der Sloot (2024)

Pathological: The Lies of Joran van der Sloot (2024)
Opis: Through rare interviews with victims' family members, eyewitnesses and experts on the criminal mind, this documentary reveals new insights into how Joran van der Sloot's lifelong pattern of violence and pathological lying leads to the deaths of two young women. Few killers have ever murdered again after they became famous for another killing, but on the fifth anniversary of Natalee Holloway's disappearance, Joran murders 21-year-old Stephany Flores in Peru. Hauntingly, his trip there is financed by money he extorted from Natalee Holloway's mother, Beth, after falsely promising to reveal where Natalee's body was for a price. In 2023--18 years after Natalee's disappearance--Beth Holloway finally gets her day in court with Joran, who admits for the first time that he murdered her daughter. His admission brings some long-sought comfort to Natalee's family, but Joran's history of deceit and manipulation leads some to question the details in his latest story.
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