Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (1978)

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Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (1978)
Opis: Blessed with a delicate tongue and a biting wit, Max Vandervere, revered editor of Epicurus Magazine, has chosen the courses for the world's most fabulous meal and the four chefs who created them. Among them are the ravishing Natasha O'Brien, famed for her pastry, and Louis Kohner, whose baked pigeons are nonpareil. Murder suddenly darkens the gourmet world when Louis is found baked to death in London and suspicion falls on Natasha and her ex-husband Robby Ross, a fast-foods franchiser who is trying to convince the great chefs of Europe to lend their names to his chain of omelet shops. Max then sends Natasha to Venice to interview renowned lobster chef Fausto Zoppi for a fish course, but he, too, is found dead, drowned in his lobster tank. Clearly, the murders are connected to Max's ultimate menu.—Happy_Evil_Dude
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