Who's Your Daddy? (2002)

4.5 10 105
Who's Your Daddy? (2002)
Opis: Nice, nerdy Xenia, Ohio senior high school reporter Chris Hughes (18), paperboy and cool quarterback Hudson Reed's cool pack's punching-ball, can't even get girls to attend a free booze-party. When Chris's biological parents, publisher Peter Mack and nude model Honey, die, he inherits a horny teenager's wet dream: Heaven magazine porn empire, a huge Hollywood 'play heaven' villa and $87,000,000 cash, which instantly makes him Mr. Popularity. However his uncle Duncan 'Duncay' Mack plots with lawyer Michael Hunt, the trust administrator, to cover up their embezzlement and steal the firm while the naive heir parties and barely attends school.—KGF Vissers
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